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Antidote 71May 30, 2019 12:00:00 AM2 min read


As a digital agency, creativity is important to us. Whether we're designing a new logo for a client, or finding a creative way around a complex web development problem, creativity is paramount at Antidote 71. But we think that creativity should extend beyond the workplace. That's why we love to hear about our team's creative outlets! And since today is National Creativity Day, we wanted to share our team's creative outlets with you! So we asked everyone what their go-to creative outlets are and this is what we got back...

Rich mackey | Managing partner / strategy

Rich finds Photography to be a perfect creative outlet. Every picture is like a challenge. You have to make use of everything you've learned to capture a given moment in time in the most powerful way possible. It's very rewarding!

Jessica Simons | Account Supervisor

According to Jessica, she's never been particularly crafty. But she loves Quilting! It's a great way to relax and unwind. She also never has to worry about having an empty closet. ;)

Jeff Gordon | Managing Partner / Creative

Jeff's creative outlet is found at Creative Bloq provides a daily mix of inspiration for digital and traditional artists, web designers, graphic designers, and everyone in between. Jeff finds it to be a great place to open his mind to new creative ideas and stay up to date with the latest trends in global design!

Isaac Rochester | Writer / Social Media Coordinator

Isaac's creative outlet is the guitar. There're an infinite amount of techniques, scales, and new chords to learn and it's a great way to express creativity!

Jesse Glade | Art Director

If you've ever seen any of Jesse's illustrations, you know he loves to draw! He sees it as a great way to improve his creative skills and begin thinking in a different way. He also has the dream of one day illustrating a comic book or kids book!

Trenton Hicks | Web Developer

Trenton's creative outlet is the Piano. He says it's a fun way to relax and express his creativity outside of work!

Happy National Creative Day!

Turns out we're a pretty creative bunch at Antidote 71. But we'd love to hear about your creative outlets! How do you express your creativity when you aren't at work? Let us now in the comments!