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Sep 8, 2023 7:46:00 AM2 min read

How Voice Search Impacts Search Queries

If you've used a smartphone or a smart speaker in the past few years, you've probably used voice search. You know, when you say something like, "Hey Siri, what's the weather today?" or "Alexa, find me a chicken recipe." This super handy feature is more than just a cool trick—it's reshaping the way we search for information online. Today, let's delve into how voice search impacts search queries.

The Growth of Voice Search

Thanks to devices like Amazon's Alexa, Google Home, and smartphones, voice search is becoming a common way for people to look up information online. In fact, it's estimated that by 2024, over half of all online searches will be made using voice search. This increase makes sense. After all, it's faster to speak than type, and voice search is perfect for when you can't—or just don't want to—use a keyboard.

How Voice Search Changes Search Queries

So, how does this impact the way we search? Well, when people type on a search engine like Google, they often use short phrases, such as "best coffee shops." However, when using voice search, people speak more naturally, like they're having a conversation. So instead, they might say, "Where's the best place to get coffee nearby?" This change to a more conversational style of search is what we call 'semantic search.'

Semantic search allows search engines to understand better what we're looking for, not just by the words we say but also by the context in which we say them.

Adjusting to Voice Search: Tips and Tricks

Given these changes, how do we adjust? If you run a business or manage a website, here are a few ideas:

Long-Tail Keywords: These are longer phrases that people might use in conversation. For example, instead of "coffee shops," consider phrases like "best local coffee shops that serve organic coffee."

Question-Based Content: Many voice searches are phrased as questions, beginning with words like who, what, when, where, why or how. When creating content for a website or a blog, consider including these types of questions.

Local Information: Many voice searches are looking for local information, such as "Where's the nearest gas station?" or "What's the best Thai food in town?" Making sure your business or website shows up in local search results is crucial.

Making the Most of Voice Search

In the end, voice search is about making online searching more conversational and focused on the searcher's needs. It's not just about knowing the right keywords; it's about understanding what people are looking for and giving them that information in a natural, easy-to-understand way.

Voice search is a fascinating development in the ever-changing landscape of the internet. And while it might seem a bit daunting at first, it's really just a new, more conversational way of connecting with information—and with each other.

Here at Antidote 71, we love exploring these fun, new trends and helping make sense of them. If you have any questions or want to learn more about voice search, we're here for you. And remember, whether you're talking to Siri, Alexa or Google, keep the conversation going! Happy searching!